Resonance of improvisation born in the moment !
Sat. 3rd Jun. 2023′
90 minutes real-time live collaboration !
7:00 a.m. PDT(=SLT) / 16:00 CET / 23:00 JST start
Akimori – Kerupa Stage (in AKIPELAGO – Second Life)
- To reduce load, please remove scripts, HUDs, and face lights
from your avatar and enter the venue as early as possible.
art & effect: Kerupa Flow
live music: Rulie Cisse
You[TUBE] Live Streaming URL:
メタバースSecond LifeのAkipelagoステージにて、Rulieの生演奏にKerupaさんが光のアートで呼応する即興月例公演コンサートが開演です。音色の仕込みは当日朝から開演時間までに思いつきで行われ、演者の二人は事前のリハーサルを一切行わないままに本番を迎えます。幻想的な空間が偶発的に生まれる瞬間を、どうぞお見逃しなく!
The improvised monthly concert will be held on the Akipelago stage in the Second Life metaverse, with Kerupa’s light art responding to Rulie’s live performance. The sound was prepared on the spur of the moment from the morning of the event until the performance time, and the two performers did not rehearse at all prior to the performance. Please do not miss the moment when a fantastic space is accidentally created!