Rulie Cisse セカンドライフ公演復帰第2弾ライブNEVERTHELESS@Akipelago with Kerupa Flow

Piano Improvisation with Art & Effect @ Akipelago

Pacific Daylight Time (= Second Life Time)
Sat. 25th Nov. 2023′
6:00 p.m.

Japan Standard Time (日本時間)
Sat. 25th Nov. 2023′

60+α minutes “real-time” performance
from Second Life & Real Worlds

Second Life Performance Venue
Akimori – Kerupa Sphere

To reduce load, please remove scripts, HUDs, and face lights
from your avatar and enter the venue as early as possible.

art & effect: Kerupa Flow
pianist: Rulie Cisse / A.K.A. Katsushi Saktmoto (KLAVINS PIANO SIA)

You[TUBE] real-time Live Streaming URL:

9月末に脳梗塞で倒れ、一時は完全に右半身が麻痺となったRulie Cisseでしたが、皆様からの暖かい励ましと医療関係者による治療、そして必死のリハビリによって再びセカンドライフでのライブへ戻って来ることができました。心よりの感謝を込めて、復帰ライブの第2弾はAkipelagoからKerupa Flowさんと共に「アートと音楽の即興表現」をお届けいたします。

At the end of September, Rulie Cisse suffered a stroke that left her completely paralyzed on the right side of her body, but with warm encouragement from everyone, treatment by medical personnel, and desperate rehabilitation, she was able to return to live performances in Second Life again. As a token of our sincere gratitude, we are pleased to present “Improvised Expression of Art and Music” with Kerupa Flow from Akipelago as the second live performance of her comeback.

Rulie Cisse セカンドライフ公演復帰!「リユニオン」第一弾ライブ@Mindful Cove

Keys of Mindfulness with Rulie Cisse @ MC

Pacific Daylight Time (= Second Life Time)
Sat. 11th Nov. 2023′
8:00 p.m.

Japan Standard Time (日本時間)
Sun. 12th Nov. 2023′

60~90 minutes real-time live performance

Second Life Performance Venue

To reduce load, please remove scripts, HUDs, and face lights
from your avatar and enter the venue as early as possible.

pianist: Rulie Cisse / A.K.A. Katsushi Saktmoto (powered by: KLAVINS PIANO SIA)

You[TUBE] real-time Live Streaming URL:

9月末に脳梗塞で倒れ、一時は完全に右半身が麻痺となったRulie Cisseでしたが、皆様からの暖かい励ましと医療関係者による治療、そして必死のリハビリによってこの公演で再びセカンドライフでのライブへ戻って来ることができました。心よりの感謝を込めて、まだ右手がおぼつかない部分もありますが、即興ライブを通じて徐々に機能を取り戻していけたら幸いと思っています。どうぞマインドフル・コーヴの幻想的でロマンチックな環境に抱かれながら、大事な方とゆったりお過ごしください。

Rulie Cisse suffered a stroke at the end of September, and for a time was completely paralyzed in the right side of her body. However, with warm encouragement from everyone, treatment by medical personnel, and desperate rehabilitation, she was able to return to live performances in Second Life again with this show. With heartfelt gratitude, I hope to gradually regain functionality through improvisational live performances, although my right hand is still a little dazed in some areas. Please spend a relaxing time with your loved ones in the magical and romantic environment of Mindful Cove.