𝕂𝕖𝕪𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕗𝕦𝕝𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 Rulie Cisse @ Mindful Cove in Second Life 日本に1台のウナコルダピアノ生演奏💛マインドフルネスの鍵

生演奏のピアノとマインドフルコーヴの美しい風景に抱かれながら、リアルとバーチャルの世界で「同時に癒される」体験を、ゆったりとお楽しみいただけます。今回のコンサートは、セカンドライフに存在する癒しあふれる空間「マインドフル・コーヴ」の心地よい景観と素晴らしいエフェクトに包まれ、世界にまだ数台しか存在していないラトビア生まれのピアノUna Corda Extra light 64のあたたかく豊かな生演奏をゆったりとお楽しみいただける貴重な機会となっております。皆様のご来場を心よりお待ちしております。

You can relax and enjoy the experience of being ‘healed at the same time’ in the real and virtual worlds, embraced by a live piano and the beautiful scenery of Mindful Cove. This concert is a rare opportunity to enjoy the warm and rich live performance of the Una Corda Extra light 64 piano, one of only a few pianos born in Latvia, surrounded by the pleasant scenery and wonderful effects of Mindful Cove, a space full of healing that exists in Second Life. This is a rare opportunity to enjoy the warm and rich live music of the Una Corda Extra light 64 piano, one of only a few pianos in the world. We look forward to seeing you there.


organizing, scenic art and design: EllaPavlona & LittleBearStarr Daddy
pianist: Rulie Cisse (KLAVINS PIANO Certified Virtual Pianist)
piano: KLAVINS PIANO Una Corda Extra Light 64 (Tokyo Japan)
sound engineer: Katsushi Sakamoto (KLAVINS PIANO Tokyo studio)



 To reduce load, please remove scripts, HUDs, and face lights from your avatar and enter the venue as early as possible.

Date & Time:

SLT 14.09.2024 8:00 ~ 9:30 p.m.
(JST 15.09.2024 0:00 ~ 1:30 p.m.)

YouTube Live:

The live performance will be broadcast to the world in real time. Those who cannot come to Second Life with avatars are welcome to experience the event from their favorite devices.


【CyberPunk @ Akipelago】アートKerupa Flow &ピアノRulie Cisse 即興生共演 in セカンドライフAKIPELAGO

メタバースSecond LifeのAkipelagoにある – Kerupa World – におきまして、RulieのピアノとKerupaさんの光のアートがリアルタイムで呼応する即興月例コンサート ”CyberPunk” が開演されます。楽曲の仕込みは当日朝から開演時間までに思いつきで行われ、演者の二人は事前のリハーサルを行わないままに本番を迎えます。果たしてどのような偶発・幻想的な空間が生まれるでしょうか。どうぞお楽しみに!

The improvised monthly concert “CyberPunk”, in which Rulie’s piano and Kerupa’s light art respond to each other in real time, will be held at Kerupa World – in Akipelago, in the metaverse Second Life. The music is prepared on the spur of the moment from the morning of the day until the performance time, and the two performers will perform without rehearsal. What kind of accidental and fantastic space will be created? Please look forward to it!


The virtual world of Second Life itself is a “cyberspace”, but what kind of accidental worldview will be created by daring to improvise and intertwine light and sound in a near-future, cybernetic arrangement within it? This performance is an event that invites everyone to try out such a new theme of expression and enjoy the newly born expression together. Please feel free to join us in real time via avatar or live on YouTube💛.

Date & Time:
Sat. 7th Sep. 2024 07:00 AM SLT / 23:00 JST START
90 minutes “real-time” performance from Second Life & Real Worlds

Second Life Performance Venue アバターでセカンドライフ・ライブ会場にご来場&ご参加いただくこともできます♫

To reduce load, please remove scripts, HUDs, and face lights from your avatar and enter the venue as early as possible.

digital art & effect / stage design: Kerupa Flow
pianist: Rulie Cisse / aka Katsushi Saktmoto (KLAVINS PIANO SIA)

YouTube Live:

The live performance will be broadcast to the world in real time. Those who cannot come to Second Life with avatars are welcome to experience the event from their favorite devices.