RULIE CISSEは前回公演当日の未明より急な体調不良(尿管結石)を発症し、激痛のため演奏不能のため、やむなく公演を延期とさせていただきました。本公演は、そのリベンジ公演となります。
楽しみにお待ちくださっていた皆様、Akpelago スタッフ各位、Kerupaさんへ、あらためてご迷惑を心よりお詫び申し上げます。
After many years, that night sleeper train is coming to take you on a journey to that continent, far and deep. Are you really ready for your trip? Even if it’s a ‘no return ticket’ journey…
メタバースSecond LifeのAkipelagoにある – Kerupa World – におきまして、Rulieの生演奏にKerupaさんが光のアートで呼応する即興月例公演「NIGHT TRAIN 3」コンサートが開演されます。楽曲の仕込みは当日朝から開演時間までに思いつきで行われ、演者の二人は事前のリハーサルを行わないままに本番を迎えます。果たしてどのような偶発・幻想的な空間が生まれるでしょうか。どうぞお楽しみに!
Kerupa World, located in Akipelago in the Second Life metaverse, will present “NIGHT TRAIN 3” a monthly improvisational concert in which Kerupa will respond to Rulie‘s live music with light art. The music was prepared on the spur of the moment from the morning of the concert until the performance time, and the two performers will perform without any rehearsal before the performance. What kind of accidental and fantastic space will be created? Please look forward to it!
Date & Time:
Sat. 3rd Apr. 2024 07:00 SLT / 23:00 JST START
90 minutes “real-time” performance from Second Life & Real Worlds
Second Life Performance Venue アバターでセカンドライフ・ライブ会場にご来場&ご参加いただくこともできます♫
To reduce load, please remove scripts, HUDs, and face lights from your avatar and enter the venue as early as possible.
digital art & effect / stage design: Kerupa Flow
pianist: Rulie Cisse / aka Katsushi Saktmoto (KLAVINS PIANO SIA)
YouTube Live:
The live performance will be broadcast to the world in real time. Those who cannot come to Second Life with avatars are welcome to experience the event from their favorite devices.