The latest piano “Una Corda 64 extra light” manufactured by KLAVINS PIANO SIA of Latvia, which is currently the only one in Japan, has a heartwarming tone full of healing ingredients that is unimaginably soothing from its compact and cute appearance. It is the only piano in Second Life that is able to play the “Una Corda 64 extra light”. What kind of experience will you have in this improvisational collaboration with “Una Corda’s live piano performance,” which can only be experienced at Mindful Cove in Second Life? Please come and join us. All of us at Mindful Cove look forward to seeing you there.
現在、日本にただ1台だけ存在している、ラトビア国のKLAVINS PIANO SIA社が製造した最新のピアノ“Una Corda 64 extra light”は、そのコンパクトでかわいらしい姿からは想像できないほど、癒しの成分がたっぷりな心温まる音色で、たくさんの聴衆の心をわしづかみにしています。セカンドライフで唯一、Mindful Coveでしか体験できない「Una Cordaピアノの生演奏」との即興コラボレーションで、今回はどんな体験をお楽しみいただけるでしょうか。ぜひ、お誘いあわせの上でご来場ください。スタッフ一同、心よりお待ち申し上げております。
performers: organizing, scenic art and design: Ella Pavlona & LittleBearStarr Daddy pianist: Rulie Cisse / aka Katsushi Saktmoto (KLAVINS PIANO SIA) piano: KLAVINS PIANO “UNA CORDA Extra Light 64″
Akipelago’s artistic fusion performances are presented on the first Saturday of every month as an improvised and live expression of a hymn to those of you who are constantly holding on to and sharing your hearts of love and peace in the various worlds, whether real or virtual.
春のあたたかな気配に包まれながら、心温まるひと時をゆったりとお過ごしください Please enjoy a heart-warming moment in the warmth of spring.
performers: digital art & effect / stage design: Kerupa Flow pianist: Rulie Cisse / aka Katsushi Saktmoto (KLAVINS PIANO)
date / time: Sat. 6th Apr. 2024 07:00 PDT / 16:00 CET / 23:00 JST START
90 minutes “real-time” performance from Second Life & Real Worlds